WAIP – Upcycling of plastic blends from WEEE by Achitecturation through Innovative Polymer processing methods

Partners : Matthieu Gervais, Sébastien Roland, Alain Guinault, Agathe Navailles

Funding : Chaire Mines Urbaine – EcoSystem & DIM MaTerRe

Date : 2024-2027

BIO ART – Optimization of Mechanical Properties of BIO-sourced Epoxy Resins by ARTificial Intelligence

When Emerging Technologies and Sustainable Development Work Side by Side

Partners: Agustín Ríos de Anda, Holger Ruckdäschel, Sebastian Pfaller, Stephanie Chedid, Moussa Lamamra, Lukas Laubert

Funding: ANR-DFG

Date: 2023-2027

The two main objectives of the BIO ART project are the development and optimization of a fully bio-based epoxy resin, along with an in-depth investigation of its viability for industrial-scale use in composites.

The novelty of the project is encapsulated in the following four challenges:

  • Exclusive use of bio-based molecules;
  • Multi-scale modeling of thermosetting macromolecular networks;
  • Application of neural network to optimize resin formulations;
  • Multi-scale modeling of crack propagation, integrating discrete and continuous models.

ISCCAPIn Situ Chemical Capture of a Porogenic Agent

Partners : Camille Perrot, Agustín Ríos de Anda, Sébastien Brisard, Michel Bornert, Trung Hieu Nguyen, Cong Truc Nguyen

Funding : Labex MMCD & DIM MaTerRe

Date: 2023-2025

  • Synthesis Phase: Bio-based amines and epoxies are synthesized to produce foams with diverse morphologies.
  • Microstructural Analysis: using X-ray tomography and scanning electron microscopy.
  • Property Characterization: measure of thermal and acoustic transport properties.
  • Multi-Scale Modeling: Mechanical, elasto-acoustic, and thermal properties are estimated through multi-scale FEM simulations on Representative Elementary Volume (REV) derived from the microstructural analysis.

BI-STRECH – Design of biaxial tensile Machine for in situ analysis of PET

Partners : Luc Chevalier, Yun-Mei Luo, Hanane Attar

Funding : Université Gustave Eiffel & Labex MMCD

Date : 2018-2022

The initial phase of this project involved designing an in situ biaxial stretching machine capable of integration with the SWING beamline at the SOLEIL synchrotron. This custom-built machine achieves conditions akin to those of the actual process, with deformation rate of 20 s-1 and temperatures exceeding 100°C. It is also equipped with optical and infrared cameras to measure displacement and temperature fields.

Modelling Materials for a Greener Future

Innovative solutions in polymers and composites drive sustainable progress for a cleaner, energy-efficient world.