Education and key qualifications 

01/03/2023  HDR[i] Mechanics  Université Gustave Eiffel, France  
03/12/2008  Ph.D. thesis  Materials science Université de Lille, France  
2005  M.S.  Materials science Mechanical Engineering Université de Lille, France ENS Paris-Saclay, France 
2001  B.S. (eq.)  Mechanical Engineering ENS Paris-Saclay, France   

Current position 

Since 2012   Associate professor, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation Group, Université Gustave Eiffel, France  

Teaching: Materials sciences and Engineering mechanics at B. SC. & M. Sc. levels  

Research: Multiscale modeling of polymers and their composites: from the atomic scale to the part scale 

Previous position(s) 

2011-2012 Postdoctoral Fellow, PIMM Lab, ENSAM Paris, France  

Research: Multiscale modeling of mantle rheology 

2009-2011 Postdoctoral Fellow, Mines Paris-PSL, France  

Research: Development of a patented artificial ligament prosthesis made from hydrogel. 

2005-2008 Temporary lecturer, Université de Lille, France 

             Teaching : Engineering mechanics 


2000 Normalien[v] – Competitive State-Sponsored Scholar, École Normale Supérieure


List of funding project  

Agence National de la Recherche (1 PhD) 

LabEx Multiscale Modelling & Experimentation for Sustainable Construction (1 PhD, 2 Postdoc)  

DIM MaTeRE[vii] & Chaires Mines Urbaines – Ecosystem[viii] (1 Postdoc, 1 PhD)  

Organization of international or national scientific conferences  

As main organizer 

  1. 2019 GFP Summer school – Polymer Mechanics Explained for Chemists, Antipolis France (93 participants) 

As organizer of Minisymposia 

  1. 2024 Symposium M. Multiscale simulations of polymers and polymer composites at MMM11, Prague, Czech Republic (12 participants) 
  1. 2024 MS-099 Simulations of Multifunctional Materials Bridging Methods, Scales, and Disciplines at ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2024, Lisbon, Portugal (10 participants) 
  1. 2024 MS-118 Simulations of Polymers and Polymer Composites from Petrol and Biological Sources at ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2024, Lisbon, Portugal (17 participants) 
  1. 2023 MS-710 Fracture in Polymers and Polymer Composites at COMPLAS 2023, Barcelona, Spain (10 participants) 
  1. 2022 S13 – Polymer Mechanics at the CFM 2022, Nantes, France (12 participants)  
  1. 2022 MS30 Simulations of Polymers and Polymer Composites at the ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2022, Oslo, Norway, (27 participants)   
  1. 2021 MS-157 Multiscale Mechanics of Polymers and Polymer Composites at WCCM XIV and ECCOMAS 2020, Virtual Congress (10 participants) 
  1. 2019 MS-42 Multiscale Modeling of Polymers and Elastomers at ICoNSoM2019, Rome, Italy (12 participant)  
  1. 2019 S13 – Polymer Mechanics at CFM 2019, Brest, France (19 presentations)   

As Local organisator 

  1. 2025 Computational Modeling of Complex Materials across the Scales (CMCS 2025 Paris), Thematic ECCOMAS International Conference, Paris, France  (80  participants) 
  1. 2017 Computational Modeling of Complex Materials across the Scales (CMCS 2017 Paris), Thematic ECCOMAS International Conference, Paris, France (80  participants) 

As part of the scientific committee 

  1. 2022 International Symposium on Polymer Nanocomposites (ISPN), Lorient, France, (72 participants) 

Expertise for Renowned National and International Organizations 

  1. Member of the advisory committee for the PhD project STOUGH at the Innoviris Institute (Belgium) 
  1. Scientific evaluation of a project for the « Applied PhD » program at the Innoviris Institute (Belgium) 
  1. Scientific evaluation of a project for the « ESR 2020 » call for projects by the Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (France) 

Served as a reviewer for the following journals 

Applied Mathematical Modelling; Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; European Journal of Mechanics/A Solids; Forces in Mechanics; International Journal of Solids and Structures; Mathematics; Materials Letters; Materials Chemistry and Physics; Meccanica; Organic Electronics; Polymer; Soft Matter  

Scientific Associations/Networks 

  1. Since 2024 Member of the steering committee of the GDR[ix] MultiPODE, Multifunctional nanostructured POlymer systems by DEsign 

Tasks: Organize annual meeting and thematic workshop, coordination of Axis 6: Modeling  

  1. Since 2023 Member of AMAC[x]   
  1. Since 2017 Member of the Education Commission of the GFP[xi] 

Tasks: organizing summer schools, serving on the GFP thesis award jury 

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